Seriously, fuck Xcode up the ass with a hot poker. What a piece of shit. It can’t even handle graphics as well as MacDraw circa 1989

  • 4
    I absolutely hate xcode, and I will be upvoting everything you ever post just for the username.
  • 3
    Use paint
  • 5
    Xcodesucks xCodeSucks = new Xcodesucks();
    xCodeSucks.print("Welcome to devRant!");
  • 2
    I wish I could ++ twice one for your rant and the other for your name!
  • 2
    I got stuck with Xcode many years ago. Avoided using that infernal tool but now it as drowned out all the decent competition so it is pretty much a one-horse-town. Sure there are other tools but which is the greater struggle? I used to love my pre-Xcode era development tools and had a hard time deciding which great tool to use. Now I swear at Xcode. Software Engineering Purgatory
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