
Fucking piece of shit forum won't let me view a fucking jpg file without creating a fucking account. Fuck you.

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    Name it FuckYou
  • 6
    That's what temporary email addresses are for! 👌
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    You seem new, welcome.
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    Which forum?

    Go elsewhere, if you don't need that exact copy of the JPG or it's mirrored somewhere.

    This is why I no longer follow links to Forbes.com

    I know the analytical dip is minor to the site owner but boycott is the only power you have here.
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    I used to have a similar problem with XDA while it was still focused on Windows Mobile, had to have an account to download post attachments.
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    BugMeNot extension for firefox.
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    @theactionslacks is it temporary if you use it for every throwaway account?
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    @Zambito1 I've recently started using the chrome plugin for notif.me or notify.me https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...

    You click it when you need a burner email... it sends the emails as chrome notifications, when you're done with it, you just turn off the notifications for that email.

    It manages each email separately too so it's great for finding out who is selling your information forward to marketing companies.

    Worth a try, or look at nBox separately. Or a different provider of a similar service.

    Disclaimer: I have no affiliation, the tool just hooked me up with what I needed to manage new accounts so I suggest it now,
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    The Fake Email Generator is an apparatus. This device engages you with another mail address for different purposes. It causes you to dispose of spam Emails. at the point when you shop on a site and you don't know about the legitimacy of the site. Is it accurate to say that you fear email parodying? Well, then you can utilize your email for your own Next time a site requests your Gmail address, give them a Fake Email Mail Generator and maintain a strategic distance from the spam that makes certain to seek after. You can utilize this transitory email for various different purposes also.
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