Thinkpad vs MacBook pro? I'm thinking of buying a new laptop :p

My favorite OS is Linux (Ubuntu)

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    Thinkpad, No doubt
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    If u want linux then the thinkpad is ur better option. ;)
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    I'd go for the ThinkPad. Better performance/price
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    If you need photoshop, sketch and other design tools go for the mac and run a linux VM on it.

    If not then take the thinkpad or the dell xps and put linux on it. Hell Yeah!
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    @Alt-Grrr I mostly do backend
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    I setup a dualboot for ubuntu on my macbook pro. It works, but i think a thinkpad would be better for linux. The battery runs out of power pretty quickly. Further, ubuntu does not recognize the webcam. And it does not go into sleep mode when i close the laptop, which is really annoying at night or when i put the mbp in may bag because it becomes really hot.
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    What are you actually going to use it for though son?

    If you don't need OSX, thinkpad... hardware should be better for the cost.

    If you may need OSX (Mac/iOS development) then I've found it easier to run Linux/windows on a MacBook than I have OS X on any other hardware.

    If your primary need is to run a Linux distribution and do some general stuff and dev then crack on with the think pad.
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    I've installed Linux on a Mac. Not the easiest thing in the world. But man it looks nice when your done. No web cam support just fyi
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    Oh, I forgot to mention; if you want people to think you're cool, and girls to swarm around you... MacBook.

    Idk why but they love the MacBooks.
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    I own both. It's a matter of preference really. My Lenovo thinkpad x230(i5,16GB,SSD) is running Ubuntu 16.04 and My Mac(i5,16GB,SSD) is running Sierra. I prefer the Lenovo, only use the Mac for Xcode. The Booting time for lenovo is only 3 seconds and love the keyboard.
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