Vite is a black box that can break at any time, I am starting to hate black boxes. Mix that in with flakey pnpm and node (we should all use deno now).

Good luck if something doesn't work in vite.

Proxy hasn't been working correct for me last 2 days so I ditched it and turned off chrome web security

  • 2
    Really? Vite is the only thing in this damn ecosystem that actually works I feel. Proxying is tricky in general and I had issues with it with Vite, but IIRC it turned out to just be badly generated certificates.
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded its been flakey last 3 days, enough for a rant
  • 0
    I never tried proxying, but isn't there a CORS plugin that adds the 3 constant headers necessary?
  • 0
    its a browser feature, dont know any plugin
  • 0
    I haven't had any problems with vite so far, but I can subscribe to the bashing of pnpm. I don't know what it was caching for me and why, but it messed up builds for me both locally and on Vercel.
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