TIL that ~50% of the population don't have an internal monologue. That voice inside your head that's reading this.

Mom come pick me up, I'm scared.

  • 5
    No freaking way!
  • 8
    Freaked me out too. How do people without it know what they are going to do?!!

    I bet they sleep easier though
  • 4
    98% of my thoughts are completely abstract with no monologue at all.

    I've had this discussion with several people and it always blows their mind.
  • 2
    @BobbyTables you don‘t hear an inner voice when reading text?
  • 7
    @BobbyTables but if you can't argue with yourself, how can you ever self-loath like the rest of us??
  • 0
    @Lensflare Nope. Makes it hard to read anything other than text books.
  • 4
    @BobbyTables even though the inner voice slows down the reading speed, it’s super hard to turn it off. I’ve read that you can train yourself to do it.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I've tried turning off my inner dialogue when I'm thinking as the reason is. "If I already know what I'm thinking, why do I need to hear it i my head to completion?" Not only was it hard, it was mentally exhausting.
  • 9
    @Lensflare mine is often Australian. I'm not Australian. I have no relatives in Australia. I've never been to Australia.
  • 2
    So does this mean people without internal monologue cannot reproduce music and sounds in their head either? I always wanted to create a way to play back the sound effects and music I can hear in my head.
  • 3
    @Demolishun I can hear music in my head quite clearly.
  • 5
    @BobbyTables so you have a music player, just not a text to speech engine. Interesting. Is this like Apple not adopting tech other people use?
  • 2
    @Demolishun I can replay a song in my head without knowing lyrics. Very weird

    On the subject: I need the inner voice to type and read. I think it slows me down - I'm a slow reader but I remember very well what I've read
  • 6
    I find it strange, I have an inner monologue when reading, but when I'm thinking about code, its 100% in abstractions. not visual, nor audio, just a sort of 'knowing'.

    Feels like thinking in variables and operations and transformations over those variables. Like lightbulb moments without three surprise, flowing from each other one after another.
  • 5
    @Wisecrack same here but I don’t find it strange at all. We don’t read code like we read human language text.

    You can get a good understanding of the text by hearing someone else reading it loud.

    And that’s not true for code.
  • 2
  • 2
    @Demolishun like Lobo's micro-radio
  • 2
    @retoor I can do the song replay thing too but it's always at 400% speed to the original and have to focus to slow it down.

    I do a lot of singing so I guess it makes sense that my head is ahead (*drum bap 🥁*) of my voice so I know where I'm going
  • 4
    @MammaNeedHummus No wonder you're a software developer
  • 2
    @ojt-rant fuck I wish I could multiple up-vote this 😂
  • 3
    @ojt-rant thanks. That made my inner voice chuckle
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