I love devRant. But the people constantly saying "Python is shit" OR "Windows is for idiots" OR "Never use C it's ancient" OR "Microsoft sucks" OR any other fucking subjective opinion that's absolutely worthless drive me crazy.

I see many people here asking "Should I do [option1] or [option2]?" And the only responses are "[option3 which is not a fucking option you degraded fuck who thinks his/her opinions somehow matter in this discussion while they are clearly NOT helping]"

Sorry but this place has "Rant" in it's name so I thought this would be appropriate.

  • 28
    This is an app/community for developers. It's inevitable that people want to debate about languages. No one is forced to engage with those rants, but the simple reality is, a lot of people enjoy those discussions and they are certainly on topic.
  • 8
    @dfox Yup agreed and I think opinions/discussions are a very healthy thing for communities!
  • 3
    Yeah really, I have no problem with people saying lighthearted shit or slipping a few "java sucks" in there, but when it degrades to name-calling and attacks on character I'm out.

    Just don't mention tabs vs. spaces. That is off limits. @SlyCoopers ;)
  • 3
    @devios1 @SlyCoopers
    Tabs should be used for tabulation(indentation) and spaces for spacing(alignment) .
  • 6
    @brettmoan I'm serious man, you don't wanna start that fight.
  • 4
    @devios1 some people like to see the world burn.
  • 3
    @dfox If I post "Windows sucks so hard. Micro$oft can go and die!". (Attention exaggeration)

    Is there really any debate to be had here? Additionally from my pure subjective standpoint those posts become quite numerous.
  • 5
    @Makenshi that's someone's opinion. Some people will agree and some won't.

    They might not be looking for debate, but it's their rant and they are allowed to express their opinion as long as they aren't purposely trolling.

    People are WAY too sensitive when it comes to operating systems and languages. If someone thinks the one you like sucks, whatever. I don't see why people care so much.
  • 1
    @dfox I agree on that. I as well did that far too often in my past, before I realized how meaningless it really is.

    What bothers me, after some time, is how they take variety from the rants here. It's fine to shit all over Microsoft / Java / whatever a few times. But after reading it for the 10th time it just becomes boring.

    There are some days where I open devRant and the first rants to greet me are just those type of "xxx sucks!" rants. Makes me immediately close the app.
  • 4
    @Makenshi do you typically browse the Recent sort or Algo? Recent is more likely to show lower quality content which wouldn't get the upvoted to make it to Algo. Also, downvoting is useful to train the algo to show fewer posts like that, so in your benefit to use
  • 1
    @trogus Downvoting punishes the poster though. Is there any way to silently dislike a post?
  • 1
    Yep I don't understand how people can't like C.

    The other shit is true.

    PS: fuck Unity!
  • 1
    @devios1 unless you choose "not for me"
  • 1
    I agree with OP and with @dfox
    For me the solution was subscribe to specific users rant. And only check those during the day, and at night when I'm free I check randomly.
    But I think what OP refers to is spam, I've seen so many reposts here not blaming user but a rant like: fuck Windows updates + a screenshot of installing Windows is really something annoying and algo does throw it a lot in my feed. But again dFox has a point no one is forcing, ignoring is best solution.
    Thank you for this community ☺️
  • 0
    @devios1 am lost...what's it with tabs and spaces? Looks like am programming in the 80s 😂
  • 0
    @briannyagol Oh man it's about as heated a religious issue as you can get among programmers… whether to indent your code with spaces or tabs. Both sides have their arguments and neither will ever give any ground. It's just best to let sleeping dogs lie on that one.
  • 2
    I posted a !rant where I asked about expirience in either tecnology a or b and if they would recommend it and if so why. I didn't put in a "if you know something else that would be a good fit, please let me know" as I just didn't think about it. People posted other options never the less and made their point, why it's their favorite. I actually apreciated that.
  • 1
  • 1
    the best operating systems are written in actionscript
  • 3
    @devios1 downvoting "not for me" doesn't actually lower their score, it's just for the algo
  • 0
    Relax it's just politics among the developers. We love all the languages. I hate Java and ColdFusion but still have to use it.
  • 1
    I'm using recent sort instead algo to get better quality content. The people and i don't seem to agree on quality :-(
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