Our company doesn't have much structure. One of 4 people can have me working on a project, or all 4 at the same time. And every few hours 1 of them asks how their project is going and get huffy if I'm working on one of the other guys, claiming top priority. After 3 years, I've been able to just go with it. Half the projects have never actually made it to production. Sometimes, they'll even forget about their projects.

  • 1
    You may have a poor CEO, had similar issues at a startup.. Was a fun place to work though.
  • 1
    @jream right. There's not one leader. It's multiple owners . Damn startups, damn internet marketers
  • 1
    @jream also, I think I've watched your YouTube channel.
  • 1
    @MadHatrix sheesh, how do people know me at random places? Ha, lotta old content. Yeah man, startup life is fun but a CEO with little direction can ruin the fun 😣
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