Team Lead: "Today we're going to discuss how we can be more inclusive with getting people on board with XYZ organization. StackODev, what ideas do you have?"

Me: "Uh. Not really sure. I mean, it's not like we're being 'exclusive' in any way. People can join the XYZ organization without any restraint or discrimination. They just sign up on the website and they're done. There are no litmus tests of any aspect of their demographics or beliefs."

Team Lead: "Yeah, but how do we make sure we're getting more of Wanted Group A so that it's not as much of Less Wanted Group B?"

Me: "Well, that's a different question, isn't it? That would maybe meet the diversity and equity goal, but wouldn't that defeat the inclusion goal? Isn't it 'exclusive' to put more effort into attracting Wanted Group A people and less effort into attracting Less Wanted Group B people? And at what point do we draw the line between creating an enrollment system that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive and one that favors Group A over Group B explicitly?"

Team Lead: "Why don't you shut up now and we'll get ideas from some other team members."

  • 21
    You mistakenly thought logic and reason would work on someone making that argument?
  • 3
    Your company is really rough with this stuff huh?
  • 7
    We'd probably need to hire a few experts on the topic, do a full audit of all texts and colors in the UI, evaluate them, then do a representative study regarding group A, group B, give all our result to a university for a neutral opinion, then we're probably bankrupt.
  • 5
    @IntrusionCM the colors are not gay enough, they say
  • 4
    @retoor It’s infesting every company and non-profit on the planet. There is no escaping it. Maybe someday someone will realize the big mistake and get back to merit, fairness, and equality. https://thecollegefix.com/meet-the-...
  • 3
    Remember, the team lead got to that promotion due to his brilliant contributions and decision making! Nobody becomes team lead due to ass kissing. Why not join him? You should suggest they attract only black nonbinaries. Fire everyone who isn’t one due to “culture fit”. With this way, its impossible to be racist!
  • 1
    @stackodev I think small companies won't do it. It's pure luxury
  • 2
    @retoor I hope you’re right. But I’m also concerned about centralization of banking and a move to a cashless society through FedNow and other globalist schemes. Once the money supply and transactions are centrally controlled, it would be possible for any national or global governance body to impose ESG on any non-profit, for-profit business or individual. China has been the model of this for 6 years now and has been quite successful. I think it’s inevitable for the rest of us.
  • 1
    @stackodev > "I think it’s inevitable for the rest of us."

    Glenn Beck's The Great Reset is a must read.

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