
What do you think about swift?
Does it have future?
It went open-source and is very fast and easy.
I found this project which brings swift to the server side in linux and mac: https://www.perfect.org/ and it seems promising.

  • 0
    I use Swift since about one year now at work and for private projects and I really enyoj using it ☺️ Luckielly I don't have to support old Obj-C code, I never liked it very much...
  • 2
    Kind of... meh?
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    It's a great language for writing for Apple platforms, not too useful for anything else.
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    Yeah, it feels like each os wants its own language because they think it's better than anything else. Few years and we have shitload of languages, each more fucked up than another. Windows does not comply with standard, so they released C#, apple wants a bite of its own and now we have objc and swift. Now people instead of working on new fun and usefull stuff, are writing framework ports for other platforms...
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    I once had to learn it for an exam. haven't used or heard of it since
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    Speaking purely from a philosophical perspective, I wouldn’t use anything designed by Apple for anything serious. Hat being said, I haven’t really hear anything particularly good about Swift
  • 1
    My honest opinion having used it since Swift 1 is that it is a powerful language that has been crippled by open-sourcing. It had gotten progressively worse with each major version and is basically turning into a faster version of Java.

    I'm still using it for my personal side projects but battle with it daily. It's not intuitive and is unnecessarily difficult to learn. I am constantly having to google the most basic of things. It's less powerful than Objective-C but it does have the odd nice feature. Unfortunately those few nice parts left over from its original design are overshadowed by an ever increasing shittiness.

    I don't think Swift is going away any time soon, but I'm no longer excited about its future as I once was.
  • 3
    I think it's underappreciated, and disagree that it's only good for Mac and iOS.
  • 1
    I tried learning it for 2 weeks back in 2015. My experience was mostly negative coming from Android, it was a much more cryptic and verbose language than Java (don't know how they managed to do that). I definitely would not recommend it to a beginner.
  • 0
    swift is aight, it will grow
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