So been working with Linux for almost 10 years now, so am not new with this. But yesterday, a friend had difficulties accessing Wikipedia and their sister sites so I tried to help him out, you know, the usual way. Ping, Direct IP, DNS, and proxies/VPN, checking his /etc/hosts, but to no avail. Decided to download TeamViewer and install it so that I can help him out remotely. Went afk for 30min for dinner and when I came back, TeamViewer installation .Deb installer literally uninstalled every single software from my Kubuntu machine, from Spotify and slowly even my file manager and terminal was uninstalled. When it was over, even my grub was uninstalled.

Had anyone faced the same issue before?

  • 3
    Sounds like the wrong guy has access to root/wheel :P
  • 1
    I have seen this shit before a couple of time in Ubuntu. That is why I HATE Ubuntu
  • 3
    Bet it wanted to replace or remove some core component(s) that dragged a fuck ton of dependencies with it...
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
    Hope you had backups
  • 2
    you should have read the "will be installed" and "will be removed" on every apt-get install operation. I had my ubuntu reinstalled because of wrong deb dependencies, and it happened 3x
  • 1
    This happens with some apt-get shits.... advice to you is that dont be too confident because there are apps that has conflict and either replace/modify or delete
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