
How many of us consider assitance like siri, google assistance as a real project? I found really few in numbers

  • 2
    Or Cortana? Some of us use WP. But yeah, I consider those real projects
  • 3
    "real project"? Sure, they exist, they work (eh "work", hello cortana) and they are pretty good at what they can as of now.
    If they're useful.. Well that's a different story
  • 3
    I use cortana at a daily basis. Both on PC as windows mobile as android. It works well together and helps me to remember things. Sometimes small things like remembering I put a cheese sandwich in the grill (so a reminder for 4 or 5 minutes).
    But also other calender things.

    So Im not using her as search or contact assistant but just for reminders and calendar stuff.
  • 2
    @Codex404 ++ for cheese Sanga reminder! Lol
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