Had to talk to another team to change 1 value in a database I didn't have access to. It should have taken 2 minutes but instead took them two hours. This was before they went on a public rant in front of the CTO and CEO telling my team how we need to re-architect everything we've done in the past 8 months because it didn't meet their personal standards.

I have never even met these people prior and all I needed was 1 fucking value changed. Somehow my company thinks this is culturally acceptable.

  • 3
    I'd need to know what they thought the problem was to remain impartial.

    But since I met you first: fuck those guys.

    My usual response is "if you can do this better, why was I hired?"

    Try it, you'll think "ahh talk myself out of a job"... no, managers stick by their money spending decisions or they look foolish.
  • 0
    @jmacmi2 they basically tore down the entire way we architected one of our API's that's just been around for less than a year. Prior to this we have had nothing but great feedback but since there wasn't an end point to do a POST to a db we didn't have access to suddenly our team of 6 engineers were all called out.

    I just needed them to change 1 thing, not embarrass us in front of the CEO
  • 2
    @ronnyron embarrass them in front of the CEO. Fuck those guys.

    CEOs are no big deal anyway, they put on their big girl pants one leg at a time like the rest of us.

    For real, if they needed the thing, and the cunts being cunty weren't delivering then it's all on them.
  • 1
    Oh oh oh, actually; who are they? And can you write a bot to replace them?

    Do that.
  • 2
    I'll never understand what the division is in companies. Like ffs.. we're all here to do a job so the company makes money. If it doesn't, then we're all fucked... wankers.
  • 2
    @badcopnodonuts exactly that. But some people go to work trying to prove themselves. It's basically people who want their own GoT in the IT department.
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