Anyone who wakes up in the morning just to destory some people's egos someday?
I know i need to see a therapist but this shit motivates me like nothing else

  • 7
    Probably having a big ego yourself. Someone is gonna make you cry someday
  • 1
    @retoor ya ik i wasn't raised right
  • 4
    @demonCoder u have d power to corect urslf, like many of us do ;)
  • 3
    Thought this was b2plane...
  • 1
    As long as you don't end up hurting anyone including yourself, it's good that u keep urself motivated.

    I also thought this was b2plane. Fuck that guy.
  • 0
    Ya man i pray i won't stay in this phase for the rest of my life, i will never be happy this way.

    But for the next 5-10 years until my 30s i'll be balling with this for sure
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