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  • 20
    VR contacts, duh. 😋
  • 5
    It is harmful, because crt emits rays that can damage your eyes.
  • 3
    @Ashkin reality warping ,. duh
  • 11
    Keep in mind, the most impressive piece of technology in the Rift or Vive is the lens that actually puts the screen at optical infinity (meaning the lens in your eyes will treat it like it's really far away in terms of focusing).

    This is why it could be harmful to keep your monitor or TV that close, but it's safe(ish) for the VR glasses.
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    Full immersion; there's no coming back
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    The holodeck
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    Humans gonna human
  • 3
    @Triskelion so true! I hate the blame game each generation plays on the the younger one.
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    Humans are ignorant to their own behaviour and judge others while doing the same. Like antifa, who are anti-fascistische while using fascist practices.
  • 0
    @Triskelion nothing wrong with a little twitch every now and then haha. There's truth to this. Another thing is a lot of people don't practice what they preach (easier to say what the right things are than to do them) and I am guilty of it, but trying to fix that!
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    It's unfixable due to the fact that we are "still" human.
    But then again, excuses sound best to person that's making them up.
  • 3
    @Triskelion wow! You have an image for everything!
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    @Triskelion I agree with the pic. We can grow, but there's a lot of work towards being humble and open. Some of us are given the edge with our upbringings-parents were humble and open and pass these values to their children- and then theirs most that are show terrible values and have to essentially grow out of that perspective with their own will.
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    The last one is from a book:
    Mindset: The new psychology of success.

    Typing out a summary takes to long.
    I am lazy 😎
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    Yeah, I agree that's spot on I can't at to that.

    I'm on the road myself, self improvement usually means getting rid of bad habits. Most read and do trying to add new skills etc. Most of it is getting rid for example a bad temper.
    You could try to ad niceties but if you're still a dick you're still... A Dick. Anxiety the same.
  • 3
    @Triskelion haha. You're cool!
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