Learning something new every day! This is pretty cool.

  • 2
    What exactly is happening? I'm curious about bash scripting, and kinda want to know what's going on here.
  • 1
    @iam13islucky I don't know how much you know about bash, so here goes:

    First I open the file ~/bin/foo.sh which contains a function "foo". That function echoes the result of the "which foo" command. The "which" command normally displays the location of a program on a user's $PATH env variable (e.g. "which bash" gives "/bin/bash").

    Then I load the function(s) from that script into my current terminal using the "source" command.

    Finally I call "foo", which executes the function from the script, which echoes the contents of the function "foo". What I thought would happen was that "foo not found" would be printed because foo is not a program. I was actually trying this with Maven (mvn) to see if I could override the command using a script and still call the original program from within the script.
  • 2
    Find it very hard to fap to
  • 1
    OH. I got most of that, it was the which command that lost me until you explained it. That's really cool!
  • 5
    Enough of the command, lets talk about your terminal... That's some dank looking theme you got going there, especially that full width tab bar...
  • 0
    @netroxen my guess is that it is tilix woth defautl powerline theme in gnome ofc
  • 0
    @netroxen I think it's bullet train from oh my zshell
  • 0
    @ujjwal96 Yess indeed, this.
  • 0
    Something doesnt feel right there.. Its obviously ohmyzsh but the top menu has a windows look and feel..?
  • 0
    @boom The top menu as in the terminal tab? That's just gnome terminal with the numix gtk theme. I actually had 2 tabs open so that's why that's there.
  • 0
    Used to unity, probablt reminded me linux mint @LucaScorpion
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