
My ideal dev job...working for a charity that creates free tech solutions for primary schools and children to promote safety and learning. One app I have in mind is a resource for victims of bullying, and another is an integrated Virtual Learning Environment that truly provides pupils and teachers with the tools they need and want.

Basically I want to make a positive impact on the lives of children and make that available to everyone, not just the schools who can afford it.

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    @sylflo thanks, if I ever get my idea off the ground I'll advertise on here. It may have to be a spare time project with no funding but I'm about to start teacher training so spare time isn't
    going to be something I have for a while! I'm also aware that DfE have just funded an online platform called Make a Noise which is a combined safeguarding reporting and resources tool tied directly to schools that sign up so that may do a lot of what I wanted to do! The VLE stuff definitely needs developing though and could be tied more tightly with safeguarding solutions.
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    I'm working on something like that atm.
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    @shiv379 I'd definitely root for something like that!
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