Things I've learned throughout my 5 - 6 years as a programmer.
- StackOverflow is full of assholes.
- CMS's are for weaklings.
- The best feeling about waking up in the morning is figuring out how to solve that error in your code.
- You no longer think about normal people things. Your mind is full of code.
- You're practically a computer.
- ALWAYS backup and save your stuff or you WILL regret it. Enable autosave if possible.
- RIP your social life (if your friends don't know squat about programming)
- Darkness is better.
- Being a programmer is amazing.

  • 70
    ++ solely for the inclusion of SO being full of assholes.
  • 26
    If the wife tries to have a conversation with me before my eyes are open and feet on the floor...there's a good chance I'll start talking about coding/project updates/answer the question with how I'd implement the logic....once twice within 5 minutes
  • 29
    Also forgot to add that if you haven't got insomnia, you're doing it wrong
  • 10
    You dont write a cms for yourself? How do you manage content?
  • 22
    Caffeine now covers 80% of your calorie intake. Also, you start to judge websites and services based on their UI/UX and web stack implementation.
  • 2
    @droptables all true except maybe the caffeine part. But mountain Dew has caffeine so eh
  • 4
    @bashlord I meant like Wix, WordPress and all those trash CMS
  • 1
    Welcome to devRant buddy!
  • 0
    I agree on all
  • 2
    The biggest change i experienced in my life since coding was after taking a trip at a party and, no shiet,actually experiencing code as feelings and how i related to others...

    It wasthe weirdest thing i have felt in quite a long time ;)

    The code was there,but the machine was not... Go figure... ;)
  • 0
    @Tasperen I get the point of trashy CMS, but I'm curious.. what CMS do you use?
  • 1
    @danieltrevino I don't use any. I hard code all my stuff
  • 0
    @Tasperen oh wow, that's a little hardcore! So if you have a website with 50+ pages, you have 50+ index.html?
    And what if you need to change the order of the navigation or any task that might affect modifying all of them and make sure they work properly? That would be so annoying and hard to maintain in my point of view.

    Note: I'm not trying to be cocky, just curious how does it really work in practice (if it does) hehe
  • 0
    @danieltrevino For my navigation, I'm no longer using the standard method. I'm changing it so that I can update, add, delete, etc with my database. Hardcoding is more fun anyway :P
  • 2
    ... What do normal people think?

    Do they actually think?
  • 1
    @brahn I don't even know anymore
  • 1
    That's reality of being a programmer. 👍👍
  • 2
    @droptables I find it impossible these days to not notice and often complain about poor UI/UX, basic functionality that you would expect to exist often doesn't, even on some of the major players out there, like no close all apps button on an iPhone
  • 0
    @theScientist I did for several months, all I could think about was what I'd code once I had time to code again!
  • 6
    I like this.

    Mine (top of my head) are:
    - I solve the trickiest problems in the smoking area.
    - There's always a new shiny, having the new shiny toy does not mean you know how to play.
    - Users are idiots, deceitful, brilliant idiots... with maths phds who will find creative and clever ways to make a problem out of something you thought was common sense.
    -- your job is to recognise when you've not listened to the user or understood their needs, instead of huffing and moaning about how that one user done goofed you.
    - Security is paramount, no manner of legal brilliance will save you if you mess it up badly enough.

    Oh and this week:
    - don't trust architects.

    That one might be temporary. I love my job.

    Oh god, finally; "the people who tell you when you're wrong, are telling you they still care that you get it right" - paraphrasing randy pausch. Call out bad work, and then teach the person who did it how to do it right.
  • 1
    @jmacmi2 ++ for the still caring thing. Sometimes it is hard to reject a pull request for the 2nd or 3rd time.
  • 1
    @M0dev spot on, it's from the last lecture.

    It can be difficult but you have to remember that you don't know it all, if someone sees a problem with your work; learn from them.

    And if you see a problem with someone else's, teach them.

    The idea that you only ever give good words is nonsense.
  • 0
    Well, I have not Friends so... No problem (;_;)
  • 0
    Haha, about the mind full of code: Two of my friends and I were thinking about what the language used for McDonald's software for those screens that show you when your order is ready.
  • 1
    @filthyranter I was too. Yesterday to be exact, or today
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