What if Apple sucked too?!

  • 22
    it does suck. specially for developers.
  • 18
    Apple sucks... It sucks far worst than Microsoft... but fucking hipster coders glorify their overpriced beautiful machinery and combination of black and oriental people on their advertising campaigns, so fucking politically correct...

    Fuck them, fuck apple and their userbase and fucking logo...
  • 7
    I think that both M$ and Apple suck tbh 😅
  • 5
    @Alt-Grrr I'd give my opinion about ChromeOS but I already know what kinda reactions I'll get and I'm not in for that!
  • 1
    @linuxxx Tell us anyway , I won't judge you. 😂
  • 3
    What if your question was hypothetical?

    Too bad we'll never know. 😎
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    @MrMargouillat @Latsky Will do when I arrive and can RESTfully talk : P
  • 3
    Nuff said
  • 3
    @Latsky @MrMargouillat Alright so since I am highly anti Google anyways (because they save way too much data about you and they're involved in one of the biggest dragnet surveillance programs of the world) I think it's bad to have them making an OS (including laptop) which even heavier integrates with their data slurping/spying activities.

    Just my personal view! And yes, not for everything but for most things Google there are some (imo) pretty good alternatives 😃
  • 1
    @Latsky Yup this is mostly why I don't use Google services :)
  • 1
    The alternatives are usually vastly inferior
    For example, name good alternatives to Youtube, Google docs or Google search.
  • 1
    Don't kill me guys, but i'd really like to know why a Macbook sucks!! I already know that its expensive!! :)
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    @TomBombadill there is video ..... this will help a lot
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    @sam9669 Is that you in the video? I was asking about the drawbacks. Was it not clear in my question above?
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    @Froot YouTube (I only use it for music): SoundCloud and other streaming services. Next to that Vimeo but too badly not that many great ones yet :/.
    Google docs: Zoho documents or something it's called? Works neat. Also there's a privacy based alternative but I forgot the name :/.
    Google search engine: duckduckgo, searx.me, startpage.(forgot the extension),ixquick and so on. All work very reasonable if you ask me and I'm a heavy DDG'er :).
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    @linuxxx Soundcloud only works well if you listen to smaller artists and such. I used it alot before moving on to Spotify and it was the place to find fresh new music. But now when I go back I find that some of the artists I liked have gotten bigger and taken their stuff off SoundCloud sadly. Tho for music, there's alot of alternatives to YouTube for sure. I watch YouTube for its original content like PhillyD, Vsauce and many many more. No other platform is even remotely close to YouTube for that kind of stuff.

    Haven't used Zoho docks alot but Google Docs is awesome, I imagine it's like Libre Office vs MS Office but I could be wrong.

    Same with search. Can't imagine anyone getting close to Google with their knowledge graph and stuff like that. I mean, sure you can search for a cow and get cow pictures with any search engine but how many can go from actor name to movie name to other actor name in same movie to his otyer movie name as easily as Google.
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    @Froot I actually find DDG's search results pretty accurate nowadays and includes a lot of goodies nowadays like getting your ip address, css color codes in hex from one search query and so on. Next to that its a principle of not using Google for me as well!
  • 0
    @linuxxx Hehe ok, I get it. Thankfully I'm not bound by such principles with Google. I am however with russia and that creates a constant conflict in me when I use WebStorm 😥
  • 0
    @Froot I have the same with webstorm but purely because it's not open source haha 😄
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