When you are trying to Google some Angular 4 specific shit and all you get is AngularJS related results -.-

  • 2
    did you try a less "smart" search engine than google?

    sometimes no matter how you rephrase the search query, google will always asume you want the same wrong results. I call that the AI search bubble. That's the moment I go to www.duckduckgo.com
  • 5
    Same here, but later on I started searching from Angular 2 and referred official documentation for changes brought in Angular 4.
  • 3
    Try excluding the words you don't want.
    Something like this:

    angular 4 how to foo my bar of qux -angular2 -angularjs -"angular js"
  • 3
    It's just frustrating... I started doing that @avitron ! Never tried that option, thank you for the suggestion! @heyheni
  • 1
    @UltimateZero that doesnt really work though, most angularjs things on the internet are labeled as Angular.
  • 1
    Yap, exactly the problem here. I would say that everything related to Angular (no matter what version is) is labelled as Angular only... @Codex404
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