Hi. I am new here. I have a question. I have been using window my whole life until now. I want to try linux now. Which one best? And is there any place where i can get all info(installion n all) about it....

  • 3
    Ubuntu is a great place to start
  • 2
    install gentoo
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    @Mr-Robot @gunoi Welcome to devRant!
  • 3
    for newcomers I'd recommend linux mint, but personally I like manjaro best
  • 2
    As a dev you'll know there are rarely « best »..

    Well to start, ubuntu, fedora or mint is quite sweet
  • 0
    For a VM I'd go with Ubuntu. Unfortunately I'm still not in a position to replace windows and I don't like dual boot.
    But I once tried Mint as a primary OS, and elementary OS look promising, both are Ubuntu based if not mistaken
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    Manjaro is also quite nice.
    And welcome to devRant. :)
  • 1
    Go for mint!
    Thank me later
  • 1
    Plain Ubuntu or mint. I dont like the look of the standard ubuntu(unity) and have mint preinstalled at work so i like it more xD
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    Do Debian, I pledge full support!
    Best from Debian dev team!
  • 7
    this is amazing! :D He asked what the best was and no one started a war but actually answered the question! I love this community. 💕
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    "Which one best?" Take cover!!!
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    @Gobbas i have really only used kali Linux but i would recommend Ubuntu AS IT is easier for beginners
  • 1
    I'd recommend mint! Although I love fedora as well :). Welcome also!
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