I am driven nearly to blind rage by people who insist on sending you issues as emails and just keep piling more emails on the same thread. For the love of everything decent learn to use a mother FUCKING ticket system.

  • 4
    It's urgent so I've sent an email! Also called after sending it to be sure
  • 4
    @retoor what’s that? I sent you an email an hour ago and you fixed it? I don’t remember that at all I’ll figure it out when I have time next week then ask for more fucking updates that don’t make sense
  • 5
    "From now on emails will not suffice as requests, tickets only. No ticket, no work. If that's a problem, refer to my boss."
    Something like that? Assuming boss supports it.
  • 1
    Yeah sadly there’s no support from management.
  • 2
    @cb219 I think he's better off copying this rant into an auto responder for the foreseeable future
  • 1
    Going thru this right now. I feel your pain
  • 0
    @alturnativ thats how you have to do the walk of shame to HR.
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