
CSS grid is really amazing, life is short, use CSS grid now!

  • 5
    yeah it's awesome but because of the lack of browser compatiblity it's not ready yet. 😐
  • 8
    Can it align vertically
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    What about serving the mobile layout on browsers that don't support it? You wouldn't want to use grid on the small screens anyway so why not just scale that up for the IEdiots out there and have a fancy layout for modern browsers?
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    @xenonth because css gridlayout is the shiny new thing which align itself not only horizontaly like flexbox but also verticaly. It's realy easy to use.

    >>> https://css-tricks.com/snippets/...
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    @xenonth I believe it's pretty comparable to flexbox, but with an extra dimension
  • 6
    @heyheni what are you talking about? Flexbox can also align vertically.
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    Unavailable to Google right now. Any advantage over this from Bootstrap grid aside from being native and vertical?
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    @JustMrBates IEdiots is probably the best thing I'll hear all 2017
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    @shellbug flexbox is the better choice for now, but if you want a layout like this demo, you have to write a lot of nested box surrounding the real content, it not semantic.
    this video may help you.
    (sorry for my bad English, I'm still learning, hope you can understand what I'm trying to represent)
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    Be smart, combine the power of both flex and grid. Throw in a js polyfill to fix browser legacy if neither are available
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    Don't understand the lack of support comments... it's supported in every major browser as of right now.. only difference is internet explorer (go figure) who uses a slightly older standardization that will be updated soon.

    As for mobile, you will have to do a workaround but if you're developing a responsive design you should be developing mobile first anyways.

    I'm personally working on my final project using flex boxes before I make the permanent switch got CSS grid, it's so good.
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    I can't see the benefit to this over bootstrap
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    You subscribed to coding tech on yt? ;)
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    @ikdekker :D I just looked around, and found this video.
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