Yesterday a colleague of mine told me that another colleague has done this in his web application for a subject:

For checking user and password, he did not query a database, but instead he checked information in a HIDDEN DIV in the html page.

Reason: "this way I don't lose my precious time".

I think of that and I'd like to punch him. People like him are the reason websites in Italy suck and my University web infrastructure sucks (he worked as intern on that).

My. God.

  • 12
    Holy FUCKING ng shit, punch that guy until he loons oike the mentally retarded lazy and sloppy barfed-upon pizza that he seems to be.
  • 13
    Do not compare him to pizza. Pizza is always good in every form lol
  • 3
    Oh dear lord, terrible typing when just waking up
  • 5
    That was poetry, man. Apart for comparing him to a pizza lol
  • 2
    I wouldn't worry too much. Users are dumb. And if the service has an intern like him, and trusts him, the service is dumb also.
  • 3
    I'm Italian too, and I can confirm that our websites are not that good 😂😂😂
  • 1
    Yeah, hacking with HTML is finally a big deal lol
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