I need to stop Procrastinating FFS.

I have a todo list bigger than my arm and just can't seem to get anything done.

Any tips to beat Procrastination?.

And just don't procrastinate doesn't work 😂.

  • 12
    Set up everything properly to start working. When everything's ready, abandon it. Actively do something else for ~20 minutes. Then, get bored, come back, have a seat, and get cracking. Hopefully it will feel like a graceful transition rather than a bumpy start.
  • 3
    2 minute rule. When it becomes late and I'm still unmotivated i say to myself "just two minutes". 95 percent of the time that turns into 2 hrs
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    I mean this morning at 9am i had all the intention of cutting up this PSD and to start adding markup & JS.

    It's now 17.00 and I still haven't started. I have all the assets cut up that's about it.

    I got watching one video by Louis Rossman about why Apple products are so shit, I've now watched how to fix every apple device there is and watched him fix a very fucked up usb drive.

    FML I think I need to IP block YouTube 😂.
  • 2
    Just sleep, don't even try, just sleep. When you wake up, make a coffee and get going. Sleep is ace.
  • 0
    I'll just sleep and hope the work magically gets done by some fairy.
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    Try pommodoro
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    @chadd17 this is a good idea! 😁😁
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    Get the fuck off devRant 😜
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    @benline Mr robot style.
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    Don't be mad at yourself and allow your future self to be happy. He deserves it. Start with the smallest, easiest and/or quickest job on the list. Do it and thank yourself former self for starting and finishing it. Feel proud, you didn't just finish a task, you broke the chain of procastrination! That achievement should be enough reward. Repeat. That should get you in the flow...
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    Sometimes the size of the Todo list exaggerates the size of the mountain you have to climb. Why not rename your Todo list as "backlog", then form an actual Todo list by picking say three items. Ignore the backlog until your three items are dealt with. I mean, any damn fool can do three items, no?
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    @teadrinker and of you're like me you can push 75 percent of backlog into a Deferred list and never see it again...
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    Something that actually worked for me when studying my finals was the 52-17 rule. You can probably guess what it means, work for 52 minutes, then stop and go do something else for 17. I used a very simple app called 5217 (so original) to remind me when to stop and when to come back.

    It's actually easier to stop procrastinating and go do something productive when you know you'll just be working for less than an hour than to just sit in front of your computer and start working for no apparent reason. It really helps to avoid those "just one more YouTube video and I'll get to work", since you know you'll have a whole 17 minutes to do it later.
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