Anyone else having the same experience with dev rant?
The algo or whatever is now only showing me things I've already seen. Couple new posts then just a shit tonne of repeated content, most I've already ++'d.
The last week in here has been boring as af because it's all stale content...

  • 3
    I just look at the "newest" feed
  • 1
    This just hit critical mass... 👍🏼
    I'm all for machine learning/algorithms but everyday and often hour by hour is different for my mood and what I'm interested to read.
  • 0
    @tbodt life saver.
    I Never even looked at that haha.
    I Just open this to read rants in any spare moment I have so I'm straight into the feed with no foreplay everyday.
    Totally thought you didn't have a choice over the algo or not!
    Yes, right now I'm THAT user. 😂
  • 5
    @badcopnodonuts when algo runs out of rants it falls back to top even if you've seen them. I'm guessing you've scrolled through all that were in your algo feed.
  • 1
    that's why I set it to "recent"
  • 0
    @dfox yeah! That was definitely the case. Totally didn't know I could even switch from algo hahaha my bad!
  • 0
    @encipher algo strikes again? 😆
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