

Started learning Python today, whats ur opinion on Jupyter? I thought it to be quite nice:)

Also, Python 2.7 or 3? Im using 2.7 right now. Is the transition from 2.7 to three all that big?

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    Why 2.7?
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    @Artemix will do thanks! @ctmalloy it is what was used in the tuturial I was following:)
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    Yeah Python 3.6.1 is the fastest and lowest memory using version of python ever, they've also packed in more features than almost any other version.

    You've got your old die hards that insist 2.7 is the best, but it's the past, it is going to go away, the community is moving to 3, end of. Nothing that can be done unless someone wants to fork and maintain the old python 2.7 spec as its own language, but that'd be a waste really.

    Python 3, especially 3.6.1 is absolutely fantastic!
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    The python2 arguments ate obsolete.
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    Python 2 is on its way out, the Unicode strings and stuff will not be implemented again, or some way farther down the road. Learn python 3 and the rest will be easy
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    @japsel Are you following 'Hard way series' by Zed shaw ? If yes, then change it to something else. Its okay if this book is working for you but LPTHW is recommended by python communities.
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    @Xenon hi, right now im doing zero to hero Udemy course, ill just update to 3.6 and just do the same but 3.6 style
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