
Warning: silicon valley spoiler
Am I the only one that doesn't comprehend why they didn't attempt to recover the shards of Anton's corpse? I mean there really isn't anything to lose and some parts may still be working. My brother and I could only conclude that it wouldn't be as dramatic as the straight up massacre by recklessness

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    What exactly do you want to recover when you scatter computer parts all over the streets of a big city? Most of the parts are probably physically broken (like broken apart) and even if you could safe like 1 gpu or something, it isn't worth it. At least it seems very broken in the scene. But you're right, at least I would have collected everything and tried to at least reuse cables, psus and other durable components like these. But on the other hand, they also had this companies data on it, which was probably way more valuable than the computer itself.
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    Idk, they made it clear that Anton was already on the fritz. Plus it had to serve data without errors and even if you could get some parts back, I wouldn't want to put them into production after that tumble anyways. (Over analyzing fiction)
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    Yeah it was"on the fritz" anyways and I didn't even think about how the company's data was honestly more important and they just left that there
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    @anyhus Yeah idk why that phrase came to mind lol
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    @ctmalloy haha it fit the description pretty well though
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    Dramatic effect, and it just doesn't fit Gilfoyle's character to scramble for parts
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    They didn't have the time.. It's a long ride.. other cars use the same road. It makes sense that some parts were taken by people or were run over.. or will be impossible to find.

    The actual deus ex machina ending was far less plausible IMO.
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    I don't understand how they uploaded "few petabytes" of data into 30,000 smart fridges that would mean be like 100GB for a fridge, and Gilfoyle specifically said that he had to compress a video because it wouldn't fit in. I know it's a smart fridge and all, but I really doubt a fridge can store 100GB of data.
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    I really really wish I could find a download for season 4 about now!!
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    @hexagon that's a really good point I was wondering too. Doesn't seem realistic. And at the very least quite unsustainable once the fridge company finds out about the mime lol
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