
Was using node for a side project, but then I was like ehhh I could finish this but using js on the backend is kinda sad, and ive worked with Django before so I figured oh maybe, python would be a step above js, but still not satisfied. I started following a guide for PHP and doing research and I almost vomited. Then I start following a guide for Ruby on Rails, which I am now wondering where the fuck ive been ignoring it for years. Now I'm "on rails" and typing this on a train teeheeehee

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    Node.js technically isn't JavaScript.
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    @filthyranter then why is it a "JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine"
  • 2
    I think it is Ecmascript 2015 or ES 6.

    Javascript is not actually the name but every one uses it ;)
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    @Voxera it always feels slightly different thanks for letting me know
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    I watched the first demo of Ruby on Rails last night. I was so surprised to see how much stuff rails does automatically, that I always have to type out with .net MVC.
  • 1
    @mossycode it's nuts honestly
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