This bus company got... inspired.

  • 5
    I also heard that html developer is suing the bus company!
  • 4
    It took me a few moments to realize they were actually using the HTML5 logo as their own logo! At first I was just thinking "I don't get what this has to do with HTML5."
  • 4
    I just looked it up and literally the only thing they changed was to add a tiny little nub on the top of the 5 to make it a bit more like an S. So pathetic.
  • 2
    I thought they were just big fans of html. Like a local bus that has the FC Bayern Munchen logo on it.
  • 8
    - Sir the paint team requires the logo and our current graphics designer just resigned from the project! What do we do?
    - Just google something! Use the "open source" keyword too just in case and give me the first flat and orange thing that comes up. Nobody will ever notice!
  • 20
    Next Job interview of the designer:
    - Apart from the logo you designed for the bus, can I see your remaining portfolio?
    - Well of course:
  • 2
  • 1
    Does it have the battery API? Oh wait it was removed.. 😂
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