Idea for devRant:

Ability to filter for the local area in the same way YikYak worked. Thoughts?

  • 0
    is any difference between the local rant and global rant?
  • 0
    Not in my mind, just a filter on location for browsing the rants
  • 13
    Hmm sounds like a pm wants to know if they're any rants about him
  • 3
    It's an interesting idea but I'd be worried about what @Jilano said with not enough content in most places and also what @jckimble kind of mentioned, I think it could be a privacy concern.
  • 2
    I work in a pretty chill environment. We talk to our Bosses like we talk to each other and everyone knows that each individual has opinions and quirks.

    Now imagine working in a bigger, more sterile environment, where guy with the next higher rank already doesn't even know your name. You want to vent about your current Framework or Project or whatever and the intelligence department actively scans for social media that might be connected to the employees. If they knew your alias on here you might be restricted in the things you can say. That would be a shame.

    Back to my workplace, people know my alias around the internet. They know my preferred IDE and that i think that certain IDEs suck. But these guys can handle opinions without taking things personally.

    And i'd love to have the freedom of expression on both sides.
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    I take your points, though I was thinking something that cast a wide enough net that privacy issues would be eliminated. I agree that something like that could easily be abused so probably not a great idea lol
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    Well... You can have both...
    A option for country (not city or close area) and the option to hide your location.
    So people who want to use It can, and people who perfer to stay anonymous won't show...
    Only problem is if most people perfer to hide the location the list will be quite small and most posts from that location will not be shown...
    Still... It's a way to give an option, also to find other programmers in your area...
    But that would mean a pm system would have to be implemented to contact others programmers in that country
    Also means an extra option where we would have to chose if we wanted to receive pms
    So a blacklist would have to be created, with the option to only blacklist pms from X person or posts also...

    So... To finalize
    DevRant would became Facebook for devs
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    Please don't do this. @dfox ... Or if you want to do it really, provide options for making it configurable and invisible/anonymous feature.
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