Where I work we develop drivers and command-line software for embedded systems. The contracts we have with our customers tend to be in the £100k-£500k range and are usually completed in 6 - 9 months; our team is made up of 20 developers. You would think that it would be worthwhile investing in the department. But no, instead we have to deal with >10 year old build servers on their last legs; limited numbers of development boards with wires soldered on so that we can keep up with new board revisions; no room for R&D into new products; and to top it all off, not one of the executives has a laptop on par with the placement students in the next department. It's like the company is trying to kill the department, we've seen our staffing dwindle with no new graduate (or higher) positions being made available in the last 3 years while we've lost at least 5 people to other places. I just don't get it!

  • 1
    Cheers! I've raised my concerns before but to no avail. If things continue this way they'll lose a lot more good developers.
  • 3
    Yeah i know that feeling, our boss still comes in with customers and stands there, says he forgot this isn't the cafeteria and leaves. Fun fact the dev department is there for years and we don't have a cafeteria anymore
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