I am about to do the unthinkable.
I am going to a place no dev wants to go.
I am about to take an unhinged decision everyone would warn me against.
I am about to cause a change to my future, whether good or bad I guess I'll find out.

But what I do know, is YOLO.

I'm deploying to production on Friday just half an hour before I log off for the day and come back on Monday.

Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

  • 5
    You should turn off your phone then until Monday
  • 0

    Noooooooooooo.com (don't know number of o's) is gone... Sad...
  • 1
    i only do this when our customer insists on doing this.

    and there usually nothing ever goes wrong.

    at least in our part of the project, that is.
  • 3
    But you've tested it, so what's the problem?
  • 3
    Production may always spontaneously catch fire.

    You only deploy Friday if client insists so much and

    A) they can live with outages til Monday (99% of cases)

    B) they are paying me the extremely hefty premium their hubris commands.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX + weekend rates are higher if you have no plans
  • 3

    Hmm, if I happened to have plans then it'd have to be three premiums, I reckon.
  • 0

    Reason I forbid it from thursday afternoon to friday.

    If you fuck up the deployment, chance is really low that you can fix it without creating a bigger mess after a 4 day week, even less a 5 day week.
  • 1
    I think the place no dev would ever want to go would be "and now I'm gonna be a marketing exec! How do I drain my knowledge of which number is bigger?"
    But deploying on a Friday is a close second in most of the world, if you do not work on Saturdays.
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