
A cable company in my home country recently launched their cloud hosting solution.

Their cheapest plan is $125 and it comes with a 1vCPU, 1GB of RAM and 50 GB HDD. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That's the equivalent of a $10 plan in DigitalOcean.

Picking Linux or Windows does not change the price 😐

  • 7
    You can get 1 core + 1 GB RAM (but just 25 GB HDD) for even something like 1€ per month
  • 1
    @Gatgeagent some companies are just ridiculous.
  • 0
    I'm using Vultr now same specs but 512MB RAM for 3$ a month 😓
    The one with 1GB is 5$
  • 1
    You could buy a laptop and reliable internet with that much ...

    Hey you could start a competitive service from your house ;)
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