Light themes in any code/text editor.

Can you take a look at this?
Sure no problem.

Proceed to have my eyes melted by a burning white light.

  • 12
    Even worse: editors that don't even have a dark theme
  • 2
    Well, most Websites and default themed GUIS are bright, so it rather makes sense to have editors go in line with that. Otherwise you need to re-theme a lot of websites and your OS to be dark.

    TL;DR; Dark themed editors look nice, but don't work well with other apps.
  • 2
    Very much this, first thing I do when setting up an IDE is switch to the dark theme lol
  • 3
    @Huuugo That's exactly what I've done. Gnome dark shell with adapta dark and dark reader extension on Chrome. But I wouldn't want to jump on the dark theme bandwagon. I just think this looks sooo cool with all my editors and IDEs in black. Gives you a load of street cred. People think I'm a pro hacker
  • 2
    Not to mention it makes me feel like a pro hacker myself ;)
  • 0
    For me Visual Studio, Brackets are to be bright (as designed) but IntelliJ and console just have to be dark. It just looks better this way.
    While spending hours on staring at screen it's good to have something with different contrast.
  • 4
    Light themes in any code/text editor.

    Can you take a look at this?
    Sure no problem... Hum, I see what you mean.

    *Going to Settings => Theme => Dark*

    Here, I fixed your problem. You're welcome.

  • 0
    Personally, I think even white (well, maybe not exactly pure white) IDE can be set up properly. Lower the brightness, reduce the blue light emission. It's not only about IDE options.

    Even though I prefer dark IDE myself, as most people do, I always suggest people who use white background to adjust their settings for sake of their own health.
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