
ABAP - a language that is frozen in the 60s
PHP - an inconsistent language
Flashplayer - do i need to say more?
Internet Explorer - ↑

  • 0
    I agree. Php is good for its ease of use and billions of usecases but I hate it for being so inconsistent. That totally sucks.
  • 0
    PHP is legitimately terrible.
  • 1
    @Ashkin @lucavinci what is so terrible about it?

    I only know of something with in_array() having needle first and with another search its second. Maybe I don't use it to its full potential.
  • 0
    I guess ABAP stands for "As Buggy As Possible" 🤤
  • 0
    Google the article "PHP is a fractal of bad design" -- that explains it better than I ever could.
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