Does vim count ? When you don't know how to use it obviously.

  • 2
    Vim? Srs?
  • 3
    Dude here i am thinking about ditching Ides and going full vim
  • 3
    i don't think technologies you haven't really tried to learn count...
  • 2
    Dude, please unsaid this. Pls
  • 0
    This is like saying the LHC is awful tech because you don't know how it works. It just sounds ignorant.
  • 2
    @Linux @jpichardo @R5on11c @huzairuje @Ashkin so it doesn't count then. I unsay this. Please don't take any offence.😁
    Note: I only use vim. For office - c++, sp and ksh
    For home: react native, Ruby on Rails, Phoenix. Plus may be some minors.
  • 1
    No offense taken, legit questions are always answered with the best of intentions.
  • 0
    I tried vi and nano, but I really prefer nano over vi.
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