Sometimes you just gotta take a step back and laugh.

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    And it's still the accepted answer...

    Kind of have the same situation. Found a question about two years agofrom 2012, it wasn't answered propperly, so decided to write a propper answer. It got me a few points and every now and then I get a notification about another ten points... Still waiting to get promoted to the accepted answer by that fucking tool of a OP
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    @Wack I did something similar discussing date manipulation in PHP, went through raw code without packages and then said it's not worth reinventing the wheel so use Carbon. I list points as the community were so quick to slam me down for recommending a package. I have stopped using it, as a Senior Dev I accept the importance of raw code over packages but also accept that packages are often better tested and save time.
  • 1
    @Wack dream on. There are a lot of anonymous assholes that come in, don't even bother with a name or any profile data, has really just 1 single point, asks a shitty question in barely English, then some guys with nothing better to do edit that question, format it properly, and then people like you answer it in hopes of getting some sort of recognition for a good answer. But that dude is long gone. Not coming back unless he needs it again. But probably won't need it because a friend convinced him that it's more lucrative to sell potatoes.

    I don't even bother reading the questions asked by such users. In the vast majority of cases it's at least a shitty question.
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