
It's taken this shit company 6 "Specialist" technicians and almost 2 months to identify that the connector from the mainline to the multiport is not aligning. Now I have a planned remediation date of the 15th October.

Possible 6 months without internet. FML

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    Its fucked. I've kicked up the biggest stink but they don't do shit because I'm not their customer... "Speak to your ISP they will sort this out on your behalf" no they fucking don't!
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    NBN is basically ADSL2+ v1.1
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    The NBN is the Australian governments pathetic excuse at keeping up the the world.
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    @Prysim cool a fellow Australian, I feel your pain bro. Sometimes I swear I had faster speeds and reliability on dial up
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    @Jase I'd be lucky to see download speeds of 3mb for longer than 20 seconds. So unreliable
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    @Jase yeah that's an idea.ill give them a buzz today. It's just becoming unacceptable
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    @Prysim who are you with? This sounds like a TPG BS thing
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    @stucow there are people in my street that are sitting at 3mb down and 5mb up
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    @stucow currently pending activation with Exetel. I was with TPG at my old place. Refuse to go with Telstra.
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    @Prysim I'd rather have no phone and no internet than use Telstra! I went with iiNet and they're not too bad
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    @stucow I feel like it's hit and miss with Aussie isp's I have heard of people that have had no issues with an ISP but others that have had nothing but problems.
    Its probably more down to the subpar infrastructure we have built.
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    @Prysim ahh the fun having a government that thinks it's still 1962
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    @Jase look Exetel is good for tech support. Their tech guys know alot and are really helpful. Customer support, like all isp's are shit.
    But my issue is sitting with NBN and their infrastructure
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    @stucow I voted for the science party Australia. Trying to get this country on the same playing field as others.
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    @Prysim didn't even know about these guys. I'll need to look them up. We live in a innovative country but we I feel too many BS barriers that get in the way of progress. How do you reckon that big ass Tesla battery will go in SA?
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    Dead set Australia has some of the most innovative people. Just look at john O'Sullivan.
    Piss of with these career politicians from the major parties and bring in people who care about making this country better.

    The Tesla battery is a poc that is going to change the world.
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    ISP piss me off. The fact that my cell phone can get 22Mbs and I can use it as a wifi hot spot and I have unlimited data makes it better than ATT UVerse. Like literally the wifi hot spot is better than ATT peice of garbage and on top of it all I get better speeds and like the same latency! And it's not even fucking wired into a fucking cable!
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    @tankerkiller125 4g is amazing, too bad it costs so much here
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