
Disappointment is when you're interested in learning about something but neither Lynda.com nor Tuts+ have any training so you have to buy the book and read :-(

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    that sucks, is there not even something on youtube?
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    "Dank memes for dummies"
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    Then you learn and then you sell your knowledge of it! boom! Profit
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    Reading is some of the best leaning there is! Yes it's harder, but you become an expert quickly. Tutorials and stuff like that gloss over a lot of details.

    That's my experience at least. The extra time is not wasted.
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    @mzgaljic I personally prefer an introductory walkthrough to cover the basics then I go off and do my own reading as the need arises.
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    @kshep92 Depends what the goal is. Depth first search or breadth first search. ;)

    I agree that tutorials do serve their purpose, they can be useful.
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    @mzgaljic Agreed. I'm usually breadth first, then I drill down into specific areas of interest.
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