Want your opinions on this one.

I am currently experiencing a slowdown in my career progression...trying to study for the RHCSA exam and I had interviews for two new positions in my current company, first job I reached the final interview but they went forth with another candidate.

For the second job they have not yet responded.

Anyways I was thinking of trying to complete my RHCSA since I already paid for the exam and then study for masters degree abroad and try to immigrate to a country with a better quality of life, thoughts?

  • 2
    try 1st to secure a job before relocating, to not end up do some low paid one and struggle to survive there, just a thought =]
  • 0
    Better quality of life.

    Hard question as I'm not sure where you life...

    But nearly everywhere is a shithole nowadays. XD


    You mean that?

    To the rest... Are u fresh out of school or do you have job experience?
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM I was talking about red hat certified system administrator certification.

    I'm from Egypt, one of the biggest shitholes of the modern world so it only gets better from here.
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