Besides the fact that there would be an error handler, wouldn't it store a phone number as an object other than a computable number, like a string, cuz phone number is like a handler, a reference, and not something you'd ever perform arithmetic on?

  • 3
    Yeah the error handling flaw really bugged me too in this comic
  • 7
    Badly coded robot, she's obviously debugging
  • 0
    Not if he's written in a dynamic language!
  • 1
    Haven't got to the part where I need to handle phone numbers in my app but this changed my thinking a little. Just realised a string could work just as well ... anyone else have thoughts on this?
  • 1
    You're right, it's probably stored as a string, and therefore internally null-terminated, so:

    It's: +0479365926595 null 66d7ff42a8ceb72200[...]"

    Expensive long-distance number if he calls it, plus possibly some random fireworks at some point in his future, depending on his fault tolerance. Let's hope he's not a lightweight. 🙂
  • 1
    Robobert, I had no idea you were such a player! How many numbers do you think he has @matsaki95?
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