What's a cool project everyone should try to make?

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    A well-known but simple game. Chess, battleship, hangman, poker. Something you can show off.
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    A file compressor using middle-out algorithm :P
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    "Hello World" application?
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    @lkpridgeon Write a program that prints the syntax for "hello world" in all programming languages imaginable. For extra fun print the string in as many languages as possible also.
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    @luper "... and in any language, Welcome to LEGO Island!"

    Please tell me someone remembers that game
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    @chadd17 No idea what you're talking about, sorry.
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    He is probably danish:)

    To answer the question, Ive also gotten to the point where if I saw one more fucking to-do list example I would go homicidal.

    I have made multiple wheater apps using wheater API's which is quite a fun starting project.

    I also enjoyed building youtube with the youtube API.

    Im gonna follow this "rand" since im curious what creative projects others have come up with.
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    Well I once build my own router + software that is amazing cause u finally understand that shit

    (With an orangePi)
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    @Letmecode haha some one should do an entire rand on why fucking to-do lists fucking suck and why I would have terminal cancer in my eyeballs then make another one of those
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    I had to do an essay about malware and bot nets in my English class. We had 5 weeks, so I wrote my own.
    Learned about UPNP, basically the complete IRC RFC, many Windows API's (to do the cool stuff) and most important Server/Client applications.
    What I basically did was implementing my own custom IRC client, connecting to my IRC server and control the bots from there.
    I implemented only "funny" things, like changing the wallpaper, open message boxes with my text, navigating to webpages and I could open mp3 links in the media player.
    Class was not impressed showing my chat client until I opened all CD drives in class simultaneously.
    Got an A+, teacher had now idea what was going on.
    What I'm saying is: Build whatever you want, even if you think it's too complex for you. Split the task in many small pieces and connect them if you are ready
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    @Letmecode I tried building a brainfuck "compiler" before. Basically taking my own little script language as input and generating corresponding brainfuck code. Ultimately writing a brainfuck interpreter in that language. Didn't mastered it yet.
    There are already brainfuck interpreters written in brainfuck out there
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    Something you'll use. I find that I'm really into a project of I'll use it all the time. Like a new tab page
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