
Q: What is the most used language in programming?

A: Profanity.

Case closed, stop arguing!

  • 2
    But then what is the second most used programming language ?
  • 2
    Oooh Profanity... I like the sound of that! Is that a new functional programming language?
  • 1
    ....you know, the man has a point.
  • 9
    Second most used lang: English

    Because you know all the keywords and (hopefully) all your variables and functions are in English
  • 1
    @sgoel01 look at the survey i started here
  • 1
    @sgoel01 @Huuugo HTML, thats the second most used programming language. That's what they say 🙄
  • 0
    I'd say Mandarin chinese or the Indian language would have to be up there
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