Why the fuck do some companies make it seem like you need them more than they need you? Also, what the fuck is with organizations who antagonize you when you make a small mistake? Do all of the good things we've done get thrown under the bus because of one mistake???? Fucking corporations!!!!!!!

  • 1
    It's no different in the start-up world :/
  • 2
    @jimbart098 wtf???? No way!! Seriously, I believe, that we as a collective human species, need to step the fuck up and call out the elephants in the room in order to create a better, healthier working environment. omygod I am so fucking d o n e.
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    It all depends on the people you work with. My problem is that people take you for granted and don't recognise your efforts at all. But when team B achieves something using your code, they get all the fucking credit.
    And of course, when a bug comes, guess who's the first one to blame?
  • 1
    @jimbart098 the blaming has to stop omygod blaming along with antagonizing needs to freaking stop. It is NOT h e a l t h y for a l l o f u s
  • 1
    Same shit here, one mistake and they make you feel you were the cause of world war 1,2,3,4, ..... n 😒
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