
Another Wordpress site inherited, yet more awful code. Have a look at this gem :(

  • 3
    I mean at least use a switch 😉

    How old is it?
    Odd they didn't remove the class of "tabactive" from all the nav nodes, and add it to the one they need
  • 1
    At work we get so many clients who made a wordpress page by theirself and now want us to help.. i get to see things like that more often..
  • 3
    I seriously want to punch people when I see shit like this.

    You're a fucking PROGRAMMER. You should know how to do that in a single loop.
  • 1
    @itsdaniel0 it's 3.5 years old :/
  • 1
  • 1
    I am heavily disgruntled and slightly angered now..
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