
when is this dark-mode fever going to end? i can't see shit!

  • 3
    Maybe try increasing the brightness of your screen
  • 1
    Just don't turn on dark mode then?
  • 2
    @MammaNeedHummus don't try to apply logic, it can only backfire
  • 3
    Here’s an idea: Dark mode haters can go fuck themselves in their fucked up skull through their fucked up eyes.

    Every fucking day I curse humanity for not using dark mode all across the place. I use darkreader and shit, but I don’t trust extensions enough to run them on the browser I use for banking and healthcare and shit.
    And sometimes dark reader messes up too. And oh, unnecessarily bright-as-the-fucking-Sun images pop up out of nowhere.

    Fuck those who jiggle their tits and balls at nice “white” websites when they see one. Fuck those who build those websites without a dark mode option that pulls default the system theme. Fuck the product and UX designer who like staring at the sun.

    Let me work in peace without killing my damn eyes you morons.
  • 4
    @nanobot try working in a well lit room instead of darkness. Studies say it’s better for the eyes anyway.
    It’s true that you can’t see shit with dark mode during a sunny day.
  • 1
    @nanobot here, take this 😘

    (source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/...)
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    @SuspiciousBug jokes on you coz I was in light mode rn 🤣🤣
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    @Lensflare I agree.
    Even when using low quality screen share (say Google Meet), light mode is more legible than dark mode.

    But every modern website should have this option.

    Working in bright light isn’t very helpful at night. I get peripheral light that hurts the eyes. Dark mode looks prettier and easier to work with less reflections on the screen (coz the room is dark).
  • 0
    @Lensflare what study says that?
  • 1
    @Lensflare @electrineer

    There's no definite yes | no to what's better.


    As one "more common sense guide".

    Note that the general advise is to avoid "excessive" usage... Which is imho the thing most people do. Zoning out for 8 hs in front of a monitor in an unnatural sitting position is damaging, no matter wether dark or light mode is set. :)

    (Broad hint, I know - but this is what most people do wrong. Sadly.)
  • 2
    @electrineer I‘m sorry. I just recalled reading it somewhere but it was a long time ago and I don‘t actually know if it was a study.

    Doing a quick research now, it looks like bright screens in dark rooms can only cause eye strain but it‘s not necessarily harmful.


  • 0
    @Lensflare absolutely, I would lower the brightness in a dark room to match the environment, and set some dim ambient light to the room instead of total darkness. Or if I want to look out the window, set the display brightness to match. But failing either won't damage eyesight.

    To my knowledge, the only way to damage your eyesight is by looking at the sun or another powerful light source like a laser. And also some studies have shown a correlation between limited sunlight exposure as a kid and myopia.
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