i feel like everything around me is catching fire, so I'm trying to put it out while also keeping a customer service smile and dealing with people

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    im always impressed by people doing customer support and anything else at the same time.

    But then again,
    considering how stupid lots of customers are, who call support, im also not surprised 😅
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    I felt like that a couple of weeks ago then I took some days off and it really helped. I feel much better now, you should try taking a break from work and stuff it really helps.
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    @thebiochemic i work making stuff for this big company, and one of the things we do is negotiate with different sectors what we can do for them (database, tools, webpage etc). usually the one who mediates most of that stuff is my colleague, but he's on vacation
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    @thebiochemic I'm a first year apprentice in Application Development. I'm in a relatively small-ish company, ~20 people, and we do custom solutions and technical support and services.
    While I was still an intern, I managed the frontend and application part of a customer's CRM by my fucking self. Now I'm sitting and programming whilst on the phone with my contact of another company we're managing. I feel like IRL multitasking.

    Bottom line, it's shit. You get ripped out of your "flow" whilst programming and then have to take 10 minutes to get back into what you we're doing before.

    It's shiz
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    @thebiochemic customer support eventually devolves into standard question-answer pairs if you're experienced enough.

    its literally "lights off, brain off" dead simple once you've done it long enough.
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