
Why do they need the developer to be a rockstar?

  • 1
    To Rock and Roll :/
  • 5
    They need you to port GTA 5 to smartphones, duuuh~
  • 5
    Rockstar, ninja, Jedi... I don't like those job descriptions.
  • 3
    @Eariel That's so they don't have to give you a proper title and get to pay you less.
  • 3
    Job adverts are a good clue to company culture.
    Companies looking for rockstars will have lots of snacks and ping pong tables, but will expect 60+ hours/week.
    Companies looking for Senior Developers might have snacks, will probably have 401ks, and offer reasonable time-off policies.
  • 0
    Maybe the love of his life left him even before he knew she was the love of his life and now he can only song about cluless birds 🐦 🐦
  • 0
    Also whatever he wants to say is destroyed by his words
  • 0
    Maybe they only want devs who drink Rockstar. :P
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