Hey dfox, it would be nice if edits done within, let's say, 20 seconds of posting wouldn't trigger the "edited" label.

I often notice some error (usually autocomplete) moments after posting and having the post marked as edited kinda gives off the wrong vibe.

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  • 7
    What would be the upside of not showing that an edited post was edited?
  • 16
    And I'm curious to hear if anyone else has this request. Honestly, my first instinct would be if having "edited" on your rant is something you really don't want then give it a more careful check before posting it.
  • 5
    I agree w/ @dfox on this one. If someone saw your rant it the moment that it was posted and then expanded it and the rant would be different, w/o any sign of that, it would be kinda weird
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    @dfox When something is edited you always wonder what the original was. In a setting where people argue over all kinds of stuff, like devRant, an edited body of text affects to some degree the opinions being formed.

    Catching all mistakes is impossible even if you go over it a couple of times, that's how brain works. You have to brake the flow first otherwise you miss things right in front of you.

    And the majority (citation needed) of people posting with autocomplete on doesn't help.

    @redstonetehnik That's why I am saying it should be a few seconds, just enough time to fix the odd mistake. Altering to a significant degree a post in that amount of time would not be possible, otherwise you would have posted that and not the former.

    Maybe that's just me, I don't know.
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