
All ISPs are bastards.

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    Let's ban the Internet
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    @electrineer "Let's ban the Internet"

    What do you think all those people attacking power substations were trying to do?

    Next you'll tell us to retire to a small cabin in the woods and study industrial society and its future!
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    AIAB "doesn't mean ALL ISPs are bastards, just that the SyStEM iS CoRrUpT!"


    Monopolies suck and Verizon is the worst.
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    @arcadesdude I would argue US Cellular is the worst.
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    Agreed, need to contact the fuckers again. Every year they pull the same illegal shit. They increase the price a little without any notification. Pretending it's a mistake or inflation. However new customers get my old price after a few months of discount (of course when they remain a customer they get slowly screwed over)
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    @hjk101 "however new customers get my old price".

    I'm surprised this practice isn't illegal. But it is also important not to engage in crabbucket thinking too.
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    @Wisecrack I think it is illegal.

    Didn't know the expression but I don't think that is my mentality.
    I'm fine if I get my original deal. If others made a better deal that's fine too. I understand a welcome package with a temporary discount and am not jealous of that.
    I'm also fine with inflation corrections etc. But then that is indeed that the price of the product went up.

    I'm not fine with little price hikes ONLY for loyal subscribers because they probably won't notice. Loyal meaning staying after the initial term expired and allowed to switch.
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